Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Sooooo... my concept of a day is a little skewed...

Hi readers. Are there actually any readers out there or am I blogging to myself? No matter, except that if there are readers, I do extend more apologies for my delay in writing (A-gain!!). Sigh. Seems I have done a lot of apologizing lately.

So, back to the topic at hand. Bottom line is that for a brief period in time, I had the old me back. Getting through a day did not seem such a challenge and I did not have to fight for feelings of competency every moment. And then all went belly up. Not everything went belly dreams are still more vivid and lucid, as they became during the treatments and in some ways, on a daily basis I feel more "present," although I no longer remember the moments, the hours or the days as having been real. It's hard to explain that one.

On the other hand, I seem less capable of managing myself than before the treatment --as if I stepped backward in time instead of forward. I seem more prone to depression and overwhelm, more sensitive and emotional and more discouraged and less hopeful about my future. And my hormones seem to have gone totally whacky and are not abating one bit. Very strange.

On the other hand, the headaches have dissipated. And that in and of itself, is a blessing because they were wicked.

Here's the dilemma:

I am being offered the opportunity to try the treatments again, under closer (daily) supervision and instead of starting with 45 min. a day at full capacity, start at half capacity every other day for 15 minutes. This time around we would develop a specific chart so I can document things specifically, and we would move slowly.

What would you do if it were you? Stay the course now and hope to get back to where I was(you were)before the treatments ever started, or.... try the treatments in a more controlled fashion and see if I can(you could) regain what happened in those first five days?

This whole thing has been devastating and a huge interruption to what acceptance and calmness I had obtained and grown into....on the other hand, as I said, it did prove all those neuro connections have been dormant, not dead.

So....what would you do if you were me?

Be safe out there.


PS weird facts for the day:

- Scientists claim that goldfish have a memory span of just three seconds. Does this mean I am no longer smarter than a goldfish? And just how do scientists test the memory span of a goldfish, anyway????

- It is estimated that a snail can sleep for 3 years. Well, I estimate that I can sleep for more than that if I don't take my Adderall. Does this mean I am slower than a snail and dumber than a goldfish now?

- An ostrich's brain is smaller than its eye. My brother says when it comes to finances, I have stuck my head in the sand.......

I better stop here. These weird facts are somehow coming around to haunt me! LOL

1 comment:

  1. KatieJac, I just received a comment from you and wanted to reply directly, but it's not letting me do that, so let me respond here.

    Thank you so much for your comment and your concern for Kristy. I stopped writing because in truth, it was too difficult for me to continue. I am sorry to say that Kristy died. I was never able to find out the cause of death--her autopsy report seemed shockingly inadequate. She was 31 years old at the time of her death.

    Someday, I hope I can finish writing Kristy's story......
