Monday, March 2, 2009

Internet Anxiety Disorders and Hypochondriasis by Debra Sanders

Two of the classes that were both the most fun and the most frustrating to teach were Psych 101 and Intro to Abnormal Personality Disorders. Not because you have to present and integrate, a hundred aspects and years of psychology in one short semester, but because the people who take these classes as their electives, or worse because they are majoring in psychology, are inevitably interested in them. And that means that sooner or later they would come to me sure they were afflicted with a variety of psych disorders—or their brothers/sisters/mothers/fathers /uncles/aunts and/or grandparents were; and they wanted to share (AKA process) their story.

That’s great. I love people’s stories. I do. It’s just that I always taught the 7pm-10pm block and it could wear a bit thin when there would be four students self-diagnosed with schizoid disorders, six with bipolar disorder and a minimum of twelve who were certain they had been reared in families whose members were beset with variations of paranoid, histrionic or obsessive-compulsive disorders—all standing in line, anxiety ridden, because they just had to ask one more question before I left for the night.

But I now realize that I should have never dissed my students; even if it is true, I only rolled my eyes privately in my mind.


Because having thrown myself full-throttle into the marketing and promotion of having written a book, I am now a full-blown self-diagnosed Intro to Social Networking Hypochondriac. I have, I am quite sure, Social Networking Introverted Personality Dysfunction and Anxiety Disorder.

Better known as S.N.I.P.D.A.D.

SNIP DAD can be mighty debilitating and although it is not yet listed in the DSM-V, I am sure it exists. It is definitely a spectrum disorder and I am clearly falling at the severe end of the spectrum. Just listen to my list of symptoms:

1.Anxiety leading into rapid heart palpitations over not accepting somebody I don’t know as a friend because, how am I going to get connected if I keep saying no??? This is complicated by equal angst over accepting someone as a friend because what if they are a wacky weirdo?? I have a history of magnetically attracting WWs. I need to use cautious judgment about these things. But even without this stress, my judgment has been questionable since April, 2003.

2. Nightmares about getting my networks mixed up and putting a news post on Facebook and Twittering on Digg; lost in Squidoo because I thought I was on Flickr. This is causing increasing anxiety and irritability which is significantly interfering with my ability to be nice. To anyone.

3.Increasingly intense headaches as I try to understand how to manage the nine million little messages and notes and posts and nudges and elbows and pokes that surface each day on the various sites. I know I am supposed to be networking, connecting, promoting and reciprocating but good god almighty, where are people finding the time to DO this???????

4. Overwhelm leading to hyperventilation in regards to blogs. Apparently if I want people to see my blog I need to be on theirs, commenting (intelligently). I don’t even manage to make it to my blog, never mind comment (intelligently) on it. How on earth am I going to make the rounds on everybody else's?

5. Night sweats and stomach cramps when I hear the term: virtual book tours.VBTs. It sounds like a disease, doesn’t it? ("I've had the VBTs all morning and feel nauseous and faint.") In a moment of impulsive spending I downloaded an ebook for authors on how to conduct VBTs and in the early stages of my disquietude and distress, I trash-canned it before I even finished reading page 3...leading to increased apprehension over financial matters.

6.Severe attention deficits and profound memory impairment when I try to remember that I have set up profiles on,, the, author101,com,, (of course),,,, and To name but a few.

7. Explosive cursing episodes when "friends" urge me to sign up and be active in multiple groups on StumbleUpon and LinkedIn.

8.HIVES(!) each time I try to master book-trailer-making so I can post on, YouTube and MetaCafe.

And OMG, BlogRadio!

9. Every time I try to figure out BlogRadio--and is that different from BlogTalkRadio?--I find myself roaming the kitchen and grazing on every possible food distraction I can find.

I have a head injury—yes— but I can tell you with certainty, that even if I didn’t, I would be subject to the hives, sweats, heart palpitations, headaches, sleeplessness, nightmares, increased appetite due to procrastination and frustration, irritability, attention deficits, disorganization, explosive cursing episodes, need for instant gratification, alcohol abuse (my wine consumption has definitely increased!), angry outbursts, frequent mood swings and anxiety brought on by SNIP DAD!

Surely this is not ALL due to my head injury!?!?!?

I would like to know if anyone else out there is suffering from, or knows an aunt/uncle/brother/sister (etc) who is suffering from, this debilitating disorder. If so, how is it being treated? Drugs? Meditation? Brain cell implants? Imposed power outages? A twelve step program( SNIPDADs anonymous?)?

Please write. I would love to know.

My Best,

P.S. I solemnly swear that if I ever teach university classes again, I will never, ever, EVER minimize my student’s self-diagnosed proclamations. Those same kids are the ones who will inevitably show me how to master this cyberworld thing. Or commit me for treatment.

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